Girolamo Zammarra Urbinate

18th century
Oratorio delle Cinque Piaghe, Urbino, Italy

According to Lazzari (144) the Oratorio was built in 1643 for a lay confraternity, the Congregation of the Five Wounds, and was renovated in the 18th century. In keeping with the focus of the confraternity the painting displays not only Jesus' wounds but the instruments of his passion. Beneath the bars of the cross one angel holds the column where Jesus was scourged while the other carries the lance and sponge. At the bottom of the painting we also see the crown of thorns, the nails, the hammer, and the tongs used to pull the nails from the wood.

Lazzari (145) identifies the artist of this Pietà as Girolamo Zammarra Urbinate, "a painter of complete mediocrity." I am guessing that he painted it during the renovations; he seems to have left no other trace on the internet.

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Photographed at the Oratorio by Richard Stracke, shared under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.